Speak with SHI’s education experts to learn how powerful networks, innovative tech, and digital collaboration are personalizing the learning experience—making it accessible for both students and teachers. Through these modern environments, we can tap into students’ full potential and build tomorrow’s leaders together.

Redefine how your students learn with SHI and top brands including:

Stop by our new Virtual Reality Lounge located in booth #607

You can demo the latest in VR technology to learn how you can implement it best in your classroom!

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Students using vr headsets

Get a head start with thought leadership from SHI’s education experts.

Kids working in a classroom

SHI education strategists share how to achieve a modern learning environment 

Education is constantly evolving. Classrooms must now be designed to infuse technology and fuel creativity.

March 14, 2023
Man uses calculator while writing in binder

Learn how to maximize your 2023 IT budget with federal funding 

The federal funding is there to turn your IT dreams into a reality. You just need to know where to look.

March 22, 2023
Two peopling gaming

Building an esports curriculum: 6 principles for success 

Learn how to develop and launch an esports curriculum that meets student education needs and institutional body standards.

April 18, 2022